The Design Process: a phased aproach
CGI is a full-service firm that encompasses all aspects of construction management, from pre-design through occupancy. The experience we have gained throughout the years as a construction quality management firm, is the foundation of our ability to build projects with 100% owner’s satisfaction and to ease owner’s concerns throughout the different phases of the project.Pre-Design Phase
Explore your possibilitiesThe pre-design phase is the most crucial phase of construction. During this phase, CGI works with the owner and design professional to develop a construction management plan that defines project goals, scope, budget, schedules, procedures, responsibilities, and reporting systems. Tight but realistic controls are formulated, together with project schedules that lay the ground for a successful project.
Bid and Award Phase
Protect your resources Bid and Award Phase CGI assists the owner in formal bid packaging, soliciting and pre-qualifying bidders, as well as post-bidding interviews and execution of contracts. Full evaluation of bids includes technical review with the design professional.
See it trough completionAfter completion of construction begins the careful testing of many interrelated systems before initial occupancy, start-up and close-out. CGI performs thorough final inspections, along with the design professional, in order to facilitate the transition from construction to occupancy. A final comprehensive cost report is provided and all documentation and testing is handled to ensure compliance with local and federal regulations.
Design phase
build to your dreamsCGI advices the owner and design professional from the outset in order to significantly reduce cost overruns and a need for redesign. The following is included during this phase: value engineering, project cost forecasting, contract document review, preliminary construction management schedules, constructability reviews, life-cycle cost analysis. By the end of this phase a set of documents have been created, which define a cost-effective project that meets the owner’s objectives, budget, performance and time requirements. This set of documents is then placed for bidding in the local market.